Results for 'Jakob Tonda Dirksen'

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    Introduction for Special Issue of Submissions from European Liberal Education Student Conference.Nigel Tubbs & Jakob Tonda Dirksen - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (11):1008-1010.
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    Representations and Function of a Dragon Named Tarasque in Medieval Rewritings of Saint Martha’s Life.María Ángeles Llorca Tonda - forthcoming - Iris.
    The objective of this study is, first of all, to analyse the representations of the dragon in different medieval versions of Saint Martha’s Life. Thus, we will review the Latin text of Saint Martha’s Life assigned to Marcelle, that of The Golden Legend of Voragine, four Catalan versions of Life—manuscript of the BnF, manuscript of El Escorial, manuscript of Vic and the incunabula Flos sanctorum romançat —and the poem in Anglo-Norman by Nicole Bozon La vie seint Martha. The comparative analysis (...)
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    Peut-on décolonialiser le rêve de la valeur, rêve du Blanc en Afrodystopie?Joseph Tonda - 2021 - Multitudes 84 (3):97-107.
    L’article interroge la radicalité de la pensée décoloniale, en la mettant en perspective avec les figures du Blanc, de l’Africain paradigmatique, du Noir idéologique, du continent noir qui ressortissent d’une configuration idéologique organisée selon le principe de la violence de l’imaginaire onirique de la valeur, le sujet automate du capitalisme et de l’Argent, son représentant, c’est-à-dire son fétiche. Aussi, à la question de savoir si la radicalité de la pensée décoloniale est en mesure de décolonialiser le rêve de la valeur (...)
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    Speech presentation in Homeric epic.Luisina Tonda - 2013 - Argos (Universidad Simón Bolívar) 36 (2):217-221.
    Este trabajo se propone examinar algunas características de la máscara del coquus en el corpus plautino. En primer término, se estudia el modo en que este personaje, a partir de las referencias al castigo físico y a la pasividad sexual, es construido como un cuerpo subordinado al servicio de otros. Luego, se consideran sus apariciones como ladrón y como proveedor de placeres corporales. Proponemos que la forma en que los cocineros son representados en la palliata de Plauto pone en evidencia (...)
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    Can’t Hit Pause? On the Constitutive Elements of Responsible Ventilator Management & the Apnea Test.Kevin M. Dirksen & Lilith Judd - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):35-37.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 35-37.
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    Organon der Gesammten Transcendenten Analysis, Teil 1: Transcendente Elementarlehre.E. H. Dirksen - 1845 - De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Organon der gesammten transcendenten Analysis, Teil 1: Transcendente Elementarlehre" verfügbar.
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    Decision Zone at the Margins of Life and Good Health: The Role of Medical Staff Guidelines for the Care of Extremely Early Gestation Pregnancies and Premature Infants.Kevin M. Dirksen, Joseph W. Kaempf, Mark W. Tomlinson & Nicole M. Schmidt - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):89-91.
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  8. Elementary Patrology.Aloys Dirksen - 1959
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    Incorporating Balanced Accountability in a Clinical Ethics Fellowship Program.Kevin M. Dirksen - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (6):45-46.
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    Mindestfallzahlensteuerung und Bedarfsgerechtigkeit in der stationären Versorgung.Ralf-Gero C. Dirksen - 2021 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 29 (1):239-276.
    The mainly medical law and health economics treatise follows the interdisciplinary theoretical approach of health services research. The focus is on managing health care in Germany through minimum numbers of cases. What effects does this concept have on the quality aspect and the needs-based approach to inpatient care. Methodologically, a selective literature search is used. In a comparative analysis between the states of Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein, empirical data are examined. As a result, it can be stated that the actors have (...)
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    Periviability in a Pandemic: Good Ethics Still Considered Essential.Kevin M. Dirksen, Joseph W. Kaempf & Nicholas J. Kockler - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):177-180.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 177-180.
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  12. The historical roots of personalism: Borden Parker Bowne and the boston tradition on personal identity and the moral life.Kevin M. Dirksen & Paul T. Schotsmans - 2012 - Bijdragen 73 (4):388-403.
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    Uncovering the Real Work Behind Policy Development.Kevin M. Dirksen & Katherine Brown-Saltzman - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (11):20-22.
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  14. Models at Work—Models in Decision Making.Ekaterina Svetlova & Vanessa Dirksen - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (4):561-577.
    In this topical section, we highlight the next step of research on modeling aiming to contribute to the emerging literature that radically refrains from approaching modeling as a scientific endeavor. Modeling surpasses “doing science” because it is frequently incorporated into decision-making processes in politics and management, i.e., areas which are not solely epistemically oriented. We do not refer to the production of models in academia for abstract or imaginary applications in practical fields, but instead highlight the real entwinement of science (...)
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    The Birth of Tragedy? Extremely Premature Births and Shared Decision-Making.Joseph W. Kaempf & Kevin M. Dirksen - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):59-66.
    British philosopher Philippa Foot devoted her life explicating the utility of virtue ethics, aptly summed up as “my attempt to connect good reasoning to goodness.” Shared decision-making is one suc...
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    Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics: a case for an effective model for international bioethics education.Jan Piasecki, Kevin Dirksen & Hamilton Inbadas - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (1):3-10.
    Designing bioethics curriculum for international postgraduate students is a challenging task. There are at least two main questions, which have to be resolved in advance: (1) what is a purpose of a particular teaching program and (2) how to respectfully arrange a classroom for students coming from different cultural and professional backgrounds. In our paper we analyze the case of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics program and provide recommendations for international bioethics education. In our opinion teaching bioethics to postgraduate (...)
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  17. The Predictive Mind.Jakob Hohwy - 2013 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    A new theory is taking hold in neuroscience. It is the theory that the brain is essentially a hypothesis-testing mechanism, one that attempts to minimise the error of its predictions about the sensory input it receives from the world. It is an attractive theory because powerful theoretical arguments support it, and yet it is at heart stunningly simple. Jakob Hohwy explains and explores this theory from the perspective of cognitive science and philosophy. The key argument throughout The Predictive Mind (...)
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  18. Listening to Phonocentrism with Deaf Eyes.H.-Dirksen Bauman - 2008 - Essays in Philosophy 9 (1):41-54.
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    Sign Language and Literary Theory1.H. -Dirksen L. Bauman - 1997 - In Lennard J. Davis (ed.), The Disability Studies Reader. Psychology Press. pp. 355.
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  20. Toward a Poetics of Vision, Space, and the Body.H. -Dirksen L. Bauman - 1997 - In Lennard J. Davis (ed.), The Disability Studies Reader. Psychology Press.
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    The Contribution of Upper Body Movements to Dynamic Balance Regulation during Challenged Locomotion.Kim J. Boström, Tim Dirksen, Karen Zentgraf & Heiko Wagner - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  22. Comprehensible legal texts-utopia or a question of wording? On processing rephrased German court decisions.Sandra Hansen, Ralph Dirksen, Martin Küchler, Kerstin Kunz & Stella Neumann - 2006 - Hermes 36:15-40.
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    Integrating Ethics Services in a Catholic Health System in Oregon.Nicholas J. Kockler & Kevin M. Dirksen - 2018 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 18 (1):113-134.
    At Providence St. Joseph Health in Oregon, many factors contribute to the integration and success of the ethics services. There are three principal lenses through which one can understand the distinct way in which the ethics services are operationalized and integrated: the theological foundations of ethics as a service, the institutional ecology, and the professionalization of the field of health care ethics. The authors review key realities that have shaped their work through these three lenses and then describe the activities (...)
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    Developing a Postpandemic Model for Hybrid Clinical Ethics Rotations in Postgraduate Medical Education.Sara Kolmes & Kevin M. Dirksen - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-10.
    Bioethics education in residency helps trainees achieve many of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education milestones and gives them resources to respond to bioethical dilemmas. For this purpose, The Providence Center for Health Care Ethics has offered a robust clinical ethics rotation since 2000. The importance of bioethics for residents was highlighted as the COVID-19 pandemic raised significant bioethical concerns and moral distress for residents. This, combined with significant COVID-19-related practical stressors on residents led us to develop a virtual (...)
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    Jakob Zwillings Nachlass, eine Rekonstruktion: mit Beiträgen zur Geschichte des spekulativen Denkens.Jakob Zwilling - 1986 - Bonn: Bouvier. Edited by Dieter Henrich & Christoph Jamme.
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  26. The Self‐Evidencing Brain.Jakob Hohwy - 2014 - Noûs 50 (2):259-285.
    An exciting theory in neuroscience is that the brain is an organ for prediction error minimization. This theory is rapidly gaining influence and is set to dominate the science of mind and brain in the years to come. PEM has extreme explanatory ambition, and profound philosophical implications. Here, I assume the theory, briefly explain it, and then I argue that PEM implies that the brain is essentially self-evidencing. This means it is imperative to identify an evidentiary boundary between the brain (...)
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    Realität und Begriff: Festschrift für Jakob Barion zum 95. Geburtstag.Jakob Barion & Peter Baumanns - 1993
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  28. Entangled States Jakob Sprickerhof.Jakob Sprickerhof - 2013 - In Tilman Sauer & Adrian Wüthrich (eds.), New Vistas on Old Problems. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge. pp. 59.
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  29. Reflections on predictive processing and the mind. Interview with Jakob Hohwy.Jakob Hohwy, Przemysław Nowakowski & Paweł Gładziejewski - 2014 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 5 (3):145-152.
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    El sistema penal normativista en el mundo contemporáneo: libro homenaje al profesor Günther Jakobs en su 70 aniversario.Günther Jakobs, Eduardo Montealegre Lynett, Caro John & José Antonio (eds.) - 2008 - Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia.
    A diferencia de todos los demás sistemas de imputación, Jakobs ubica el acento de la relevancia jurídico-penal del hecho en su significado normativo, como algo que trasciende la mera causalidad exterior y la finalidad del autor, de manera que lo decisivo para la imputación jurídico-penal no es ni lo psíquicoreal querido por el autor, ni la causalidad desplegada por su conducta, sino el significado normativo de esa conducta como la expresión de un sentido objetivo de desautorización de la vigencia de (...)
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  31. New directions in predictive processing.Jakob Hohwy - 2020 - Mind and Language 35 (2):209-223.
    Predictive processing (PP) is now a prominent theoretical framework in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science. This review focuses on PP research with a relatively philosophical focus, taking stock of the framework and discussing new directions. The review contains an introduction that describes the full PP toolbox; an exploration of areas where PP has advanced understanding of perceptual and cognitive phenomena; a discussion of PP's impact on foundational issues in cognitive science; and a consideration of the philosophy of science (...)
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  32. Predictive coding explains binocular rivalry: an epistemological review.Jakob Hohwy, Andreas Roepstorff & Karl Friston - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):687-701.
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    Die Lehre des deutschen Philosophen Jakob Böhme.Jakob Bhohme & Julius Hamberger - 1844 - Hildesheim: Gerstenberg. Edited by Julius Wilhelm Franz Hamberger.
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    Self-supervision, normativity and the free energy principle.Jakob Hohwy - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):29-53.
    The free energy principle says that any self-organising system that is at nonequilibrium steady-state with its environment must minimize its free energy. It is proposed as a grand unifying principle for cognitive science and biology. The principle can appear cryptic, esoteric, too ambitious, and unfalsifiable—suggesting it would be best to suspend any belief in the principle, and instead focus on individual, more concrete and falsifiable ‘process theories’ for particular biological processes and phenomena like perception, decision and action. Here, I explain (...)
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  35. How to entrain your evil demon.Jakob Hohwy - 2017 - Philosophy and Predictive Processing.
    The notion that the brain is a prediction error minimizer entails, via the notion of Markov blankets and self-evidencing, a form of global scepticism — an inability to rule out evil demon scenarios. This type of scepticism is viewed by some as a sign of a fatally flawed conception of mind and cognition. Here I discuss whether this scepticism is ameliorated by acknowledging the role of action in the most ambitious approach to prediction error minimization, namely under the free energy (...)
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  36. Predictive processing as a systematic basis for identifying the neural correlates of consciousness.Jakob Hohwy & Anil Seth - 2020 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 1 (II).
    The search for the neural correlates of consciousness is in need of a systematic, principled foundation that can endow putative neural correlates with greater predictive and explanatory value. Here, we propose the predictive processing framework for brain function as a promising candidate for providing this systematic foundation. The proposal is motivated by that framework’s ability to address three general challenges to identifying the neural correlates of consciousness, and to satisfy two constraints common to many theories of consciousness. Implementing the search (...)
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  37. Conscious Self-Evidencing.Jakob Hohwy - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):809-828.
    Self-evidencing describes the purported predictive processing of all self-organising systems, whether conscious or not. Self-evidencing in itself is therefore not sufficient for consciousness. Different systems may however be capable of self-evidencing in different, specific and distinct ways. Some of these ways of self-evidencing can be matched up with, and explain, several properties of consciousness. This carves out a distinction in nature between those systems that are conscious, as described by these properties, and those that are not. This approach throws new (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Ethics-based auditing to develop trustworthy AI.Jakob Mökander & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - Minds and Machines 31 (2):323–327.
    A series of recent developments points towards auditing as a promising mechanism to bridge the gap between principles and practice in AI ethics. Building on ongoing discussions concerning ethics-based auditing, we offer three contributions. First, we argue that ethics-based auditing can improve the quality of decision making, increase user satisfaction, unlock growth potential, enable law-making, and relieve human suffering. Second, we highlight current best practices to support the design and implementation of ethics-based auditing: To be feasible and effective, ethics-based auditing (...)
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  39. Distrusting the present.Jakob Hohwy, Bryan Paton & Colin Palmer - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (3):315-335.
    We use the hierarchical nature of Bayesian perceptual inference to explain a fundamental aspect of the temporality of experience, namely the phenomenology of temporal flow. The explanation says that the sense of temporal flow in conscious perception stems from probabilistic inference that the present cannot be trusted. The account begins by describing hierarchical inference under the notion of prediction error minimization, and exemplifies distrust of the present within bistable visual perception and action initiation. Distrust of the present is then discussed (...)
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    Physicians’ Perspectives on Ethically Challenging Situations: Early Identification and Action.Carol Pavlish, Katherine Brown-Saltzman, Kevin M. Dirksen & Alyssa Fine - 2015 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 6 (3):28-40.
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  41. The neural correlates of consciousness: New experimental approaches needed?Jakob Hohwy - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):428-438.
    It appears that consciousness science is progressing soundly, in particular in its search for the neural correlates of consciousness. There are two main approaches to this search, one is content-based (focusing on the contrast between conscious perception of, e.g., faces vs. houses), the other is state-based (focusing on overall conscious states, e.g., the contrast between dreamless sleep vs. the awake state). Methodological and conceptual considerations of a number of concrete studies show that both approaches are problematic: the content-based approach seems (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Top-down and bottom-up in delusion formation.Jakob Hohwy - 2004 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 11 (1):65-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 11.1 (2004) 65-70 [Access article in PDF] Top-Down and Bottom-Up in Delusion Formation Jakob Hohwy Keywords delusions, top-down, bottom-up, predictive coding Some delusions may arise as responses to unusual experiences (Davies et al. 2001; Maher 1974;). The implication is that delusion formation in some cases involves some kind of bottom-up mechanism—roughly, from perception to belief. Delusion formation may also involve some kind of top-down (...)
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    Priors in perception: Top-down modulation, Bayesian perceptual learning rate, and prediction error minimization.Jakob Hohwy - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 47:75-85.
  44. Ethics-based auditing of automated decision-making systems: nature, scope, and limitations.Jakob Mökander, Jessica Morley, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1–30.
    Important decisions that impact humans lives, livelihoods, and the natural environment are increasingly being automated. Delegating tasks to so-called automated decision-making systems can improve efficiency and enable new solutions. However, these benefits are coupled with ethical challenges. For example, ADMS may produce discriminatory outcomes, violate individual privacy, and undermine human self-determination. New governance mechanisms are thus needed that help organisations design and deploy ADMS in ways that are ethical, while enabling society to reap the full economic and social benefits of (...)
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  45. Functional integration and the mind.Jakob Hohwy - 2007 - Synthese 159 (3):315-328.
    Different cognitive functions recruit a number of different, often overlapping, areas of the brain. Theories in cognitive and computational neuroscience are beginning to take this kind of functional integration into account. The contributions to this special issue consider what functional integration tells us about various aspects of the mind such as perception, language, volition, agency, and reward. Here, I consider how and why functional integration may matter for the mind; I discuss a general theoretical framework, based on generative models, that (...)
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  46. Theory Roulette: Choosing that Climate Change is not a Tragedy of the Commons.Jakob Ortmann & Walter Veit - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (1):65-89.
    Climate change mitigation has become a paradigm case both for externalities in general and for the game-theoretic model of the Tragedy of the Commons (ToC) in particular. This situation is worrying, as we have reasons to suspect that some models in the social sciences are apt to be performative to the extent that they can become self-fulfilling prophecies. Framing climate change mitigation as a hardly solvable coordination problem may force us into a worse situation, by changing real-world behaviour to fit (...)
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  47. The Sense of Self in the Phenomenology of Agency and Perception.Jakob Hohwy - 2007 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 13.
    The phenomenology of agency and perception is probably underpinned by a common cognitive system based on generative models and predictive coding. I defend the hypothesis that this cognitive system explains core aspects of the sense of having a self in agency and perception. In particular, this cognitive model explains the phenomenological notion of a minimal self as well as a notion of the narrative self. The proposal is related to some influential studies of overall brain function, and to psychopathology. These (...)
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  48. Inferences and the Right to Privacy.Jakob Mainz - 2024 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (4):563-581.
    In this paper, I defend what I call the ‘Inference Principle’. This principle holds that if an agent obtains some information legitimately, then the agent can make any inference she wants based on the information, without violating anyone’s right to privacy. This principle is interesting for at least three reasons. First, it constitutes a novel answer to the timely question of whether the widespread use of ‘data analytics’ to infer personal information about individuals is morally permissible. Second, it contradicts what (...)
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  49. Delusions as Forensically Disturbing Perceptual Inferences.Jakob Hohwy & Vivek Rajan - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (1):5-11.
    Bortolotti’s Delusions and Other Irrational Beliefs defends the view that delusions are beliefs on a continuum with other beliefs. A different view is that delusions are more like illusions, that is, they arise from faulty perception. This view, which is not targeted by the book, makes it easier to explain why delusions are so alien and disabling but needs to appeal to forensic aspects of functioning.
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  50. Hope from Despair.Jakob Huber - 2022 - Journal of Political Philosophy 31 (1):80-101.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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